Plum Lines masthead: The quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society

We're proud of the range and quality of the articles, notes, commentary, and information in Plum Lines, the quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society. To preserve this entertaining, informative, and useful material for fans and researchers we are planning to archive as many of the past Plum Lines as we can. We now have the 1991 – 2019 editions posted in the Plum Lines Archive and available for review. Links to the currently available issues of Plum Lines can be found in the Plum Lines Archive. Quotations from P.G. Wodehouse’s works and letters are reproduced with the permission of The Trustees of the Wodehouse Estate, who retain all rights in accordance with copyright laws throughout the world.

Plum Lines is a treasured benefit of TWS membership. It is published quarterly and the usual 24-page, 8.5 x 11 inch publication, with pictures and illustrations, contains much more than just news and information about The Wodehouse Society. It is devoted to all things Wodehousian.

Below is a link to the Plum Lines Index. Aunt Dahlia (Elin Woodger, former president of TWS) has compiled a complete index to all the articles in Plum Lines over the years. The index has recently been updated to include all issues from 1980 through 2023. Plum Lines Index, 1980-2024 (PDF) When searching the Plum Lines Index, be sure to note the Volume number, Issue number, and page number of the desired topic and then look for that specific edition by Volume and Issue number in the Plum Lines Archive.